Sunday, September 14, 2014

Chicken Farming

After getting out and seeing all these different places, I decided to look into something different. Agriculture and food production. I have always had an interest as to where my food comes from, and recently, more so, an interest in producing my own food. I met up with someone that runs a small scale contract chicken farm and got a rundown on the whole process. Of all the information I took with me, the one thing that surprised me, was the sheer amount of feed the chickens eat daily. It is almost like that's all they do, just sit around and eat, eat, eat. I have always envisioned having chickens in my backyard and a small vegetable and herb garden, where I would only have to buy rice or flour from a grocery store, but I think if I do raise chickens now, it would be a difficult task having to do the actual killing and plucking. So thank goodness for these chicken farms that do it for me already.

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