Sunday, August 3, 2014

Emperor Valley Zoo

I spent the entire world cup season watching every single match that was playing, so it kept me away for a while, and when it was finally over, I got lazy and stopped posting. One of those weekends, I made an early trip to the zoo, because it is very close to where I live, and I thought that I could be in and out before the first match for the day started. I haven't been to the Emperor Valley Zoo in possibly 15 or more years, and there was a rush of nostalgia as I was walking in through the large revolving gate. I always liked those gates, not sure what it is about them, always remember as a kid wanting to keep going around and around in them.
After getting in, I saw some of the things I remembered, and I also noticed they made quite a few improvements and additions to the place, so it was quite a welcome change. There were many more new animals like the giraffes, which, before that day, I have never seen before, in person that is. What I noticed most about the place, was that, all around were nice quiet shaded seating areas, and lots of families there were taking advantage of that. It seemed like that was more of the reason for going to the zoo than seeing the animals. A family outing, buy some snacks and sit around and spend time together. There was also lots of construction going on with notifications about a future expansion and other upgrades they intend to do to the place.
I just realised that my age is catching up to me, because I did this trip about 3 or 4 weekends ago, I can't really remember much else about it. I definitely need to make another trip there, when I am less rushed, as well as get there around the time they are feeding some of the animals. I would also like to see the new expansion they do. I did enjoy the visit, the nostalgia, the new animals, but sadly world cup was on my mind, and I just wanted to get home to watch the game.

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