Sunday, May 4, 2014

Rock Climbing

I got invited to go to rock climbing through a group called Paria Springs Tours. I have never rock climbed in my life, nor have I ever rappelled down the face of anything. Today I did both.
We started our journey at Point Gourde, in Chaguaramas, parked up, met each other, and got the required harness, gloves, helmets and all other necessary equipment. There was a short easy 35 minute stroll to the first point, we passed some points looking out onto the ocean, and also passed some old abandoned metal bunkers that were placed there by the Americans back when they controlled Chaguaramas.
We got the the first point, a small face, about 30' high called Rory’s Glory. At the bottom was a small, man made cave that went about 50' in. Each person did a climb up the face, then a rappel down, to literally "learn the ropes". This also helped us build up the confidence and courage for the main attraction, which I did NOT expect.
After our successful climbs, and lots of laughs and fun, we moved forward to another point, which was named Majestic Macajuel. We started at the top and we were literally at the edge of a cliff. Getting a safe point to look down to see the bottom was quite difficult, this added to the "intrigue". Each person got strapped in and rappelled one by one down to the bottom of this 75' drop. I got strapped in, and stood at the edge, staring down for a while. I could see where the anchor was waiting for me, but because of the angle of the face, I couldn't see the bottom. I grabbed on, swung out, and put all my faith in the belay that I was clipped on to. I am now leaning back with my feet on the cliff with nothing supporting me but my harness and a rope, and I let go. The adrenaline sort of takes over and you just bounce down to the bottom, controlling your descent only with the rope you grip on to behind you. After getting to the bottom and looking back up, I couldn't believe that I just did that. It was an amazing sense of accomplishment, same for everyone else. Even the ones that were afraid to get over the edge were all excited and couldn't wait to do it again. The hike back home, everyone was asking about the next one, and if there were any higher ones to descend. This is definitely one of the craziest things I have ever done, and can't wait for my next adventure.


  1. wow nice. i would probably be more than a little apprehensive to try that but I would. even if its just once!

  2. Now I'd like to try this out! Looking forward to your future posts. We'd love to tag along on one of your adventures if we can.
