Sunday, May 25, 2014

Temple day

Another quiet weekend, took it light and drove out to two temples in the Carapichaima area with a few friends (who I would like to thank again for showing me the way and keeping me company). First stop was the Dattatreya Temple, and the highlight of that was the 85' Hanuman Murti. Seriously, where have I been living? I never even heard about this, and still couldn't believe it when I was there. The temple itself was amazing, the details in the structure, the colours, everything, was just mind blowing. My sheltered living really showed, and the more I walked around, the more I noticed and was just in awe at this place. Then, you get to the star of the show, an 85 foot tall Murti of Hanuman. This thing is HUGE, it lays claim to being one of the tallest statues in the caribbean. I still can't believe this has been there since 2003 and I've been totally oblivious to it. There is so much detail in the roof and the top of the walls of the temple, that I wish I got to capture, but alas, no way of getting up there. If I ever get myself a more professional camera, I need to return for some better photographs. Truly amazing.
Second stop was the Siewdass Sadhu's Temple On The Sea, I have always heard of it, just never took the time to visit it. This place has been on my bucket list for a long time now, and I'm really glad I finally got to go experience it. It is facing west, so you always have a view of the sunset, so that is the time I decided to take a visit. You look out to the ocean, in front of you, a few boats, possibly beached, as the tide was low. Look to the right and you can see in the distance the north west peninsula of Trinidad. Look to the left, and you see the temple out on the sea. The area has lots of parking and benches, so you can relax and take in the view. There was a cool breeze blowing that made it even more inviting. Take a walk on the path out to the temple, lots of flags, and statues around. More benches are around the outside of the temple, where we sat and took in the sunset and the cool breezes. There were a few people around, including a family and a professional photographer taking some portraits. A lovely spot for photographs, especially around sunset, again, another place I would need to revisit. 
We ended the trip with a visit to Krish's Fried Chicken, a popular spot in the area, located on waterloo road. I love home made fried chicken, and have been craving something other than the more common KFC, Royal Castle or Japs. I also loved that I could get a beer with my chicken. We ordered and ate it there. I honestly was expecting a bit more of a batter with a crunch, but it was very moist and well seasoned. I don't think I would drive for an hour and a half just to get it again, but I definitely will pass if I am ever in the area.
Another great weekend experiencing something different, I'm really learning how much there is to still see and do here, being bored is no longer and option.

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