Sunday, April 5, 2015

Kite Flying Competition

All my plans for this Easter weekend were cut short because of an emergency, fortunately, I got to do at least one of the things on my list, and that was to attend the Radio 90.5 16th Annual Kite Flying Competition held at the Queen's Park Savannah. Every year at Easter, it gets really windy, and kite flying is one of the activities that you always see kids and adults alike participating in. Growing up, my father used to make kites for me with kite paper, cocoyea and flour and water as the glue to bind everything together. With this kind of kite, you always needed a "tail" to help stabilize it, and I always remembered using an old ribbon from a typewriter. I haven't made a kite in ages, but every year, I try to at least buy one to fly, for old times sake.
Me and my family usually spend the Easter weekend "down the islands" (which I was hoping to do this weekend), so I always miss the competition, but I got to attend it this year, and was quite happy that I did. Before you even get to the savannah, you can see the kites hovering in the sky, all colours, all sizes. There were lots of cars parked and possibly thousands of people around, but it was not in anyway crowded. Closer to the middle of the savannah, a stage was set up where there were mc's announcing the contestants and the winners, and later on some live entertainment. Lots of vendors were selling snacks and drinks, and there were even bouncy castles for added entertainment for the kids, and of course, it was all about the kids today. They were everywhere, flying kites, playing games, running around, all seemed to be having a blast, really a great family outing. I spent a couple hours walking around enjoying the cool breeze and all the entertainment, until the sun finally set, and I headed back home. If I have the time this week, I will try to make a kite again, see if I remember what to do, so that if I ever have a son of my own, I can teach him to make one as well.

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